How can I get discounts on product purchases?
UBetter Club will regularly launch product offers: discounts, gift redemptions, etc. If you don’t want to miss out on the offer: Please become a member of UBetter Club to get the latest news.
What are the payment methods?
Currently, payment methods such as cash, FPS, PayMe, bank transfer, and credit card Visa Master, Alipay, WeChat Pay, Union Pay are available.
Can I get a discount if I purchase more than one product?
UBetter Club will have discounts from time to time, so please pay attention.
How to apply to become a member of UBetter Club?
Customers only need to fill in their personal information in the membership registration, and after completion, they can become a member of UBetter Club.
Check UBetter Club shipping details
Free shipping within Hong Kong, other regions or countries require separate quotations.
Is there any refund service?
Yes, please refer to the refund and return terms on our website for details.
In addition to the UBetter Club website, are there any other ways to inquire and learn about products?
If you have any enquiries, please call or email our company. Thank you.